Outside the Box lives and breathes packaging, from sourcing the options to getting the best pricing
we are all over it. So next time you have a product you’d like to package, think Outside the Box!

With enlightenment
comes fulfillment!
Think of us as your ultimate match-making service.
You have the product and you are looking for the perfect packaging solution, that is where OTB comes in for you. We can find, source and deliver
all your packaging needs!

What do you need to achieve this year?
Let us package it for you!

About Me

Outside the Box
... was founded in 2015 as a way for me to grow my business. I was working for a contract packaging company, handing over leads I'd developed to other co-packers. When my facility didn't have the proper equipment for the job, the light went off and the next day I hung up my shingle. Since my launch, I have partnered with facilities in the Chicago area as well as Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin. I built a network of partners in place ready to marry each project with the best co packer, hence the "perfect package" concept was born. I have relationships with suppliers of ingredients, corrugated materials and film.
I also have co manufacturers willing to work on new product formulations or tweak existing formulas. As I continue to expand my network, I will add additional capabilities so please check back often for updates!